General weather situation today

General weather situation today

General weather situation today

With a strong northerly current, there will be foehn winds in South Tyrol.

Weather situation today

In the afternoon, the clouds will clear in the north of South Tyrol and the sun will shine everywhere. Strong and cold northerly wind.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 9°C
Min. 5°C

Mountain weather today

Humid and cold air masses. The day will begin mostly sunny, with clouds increasing everywhere during the morning. In the afternoon it will start to snow lightly from the west and by the evening the snowfall will spread to all mountain ranges. Between 10 and 15 cm fall on the alpine crest and the Ortler, otherwise only a few centimetres.

Temperature in 2.000 meters: -8°C
Temperature in 3.000 meters: -14°C
0°C limit: 900 meters

Weather tomorrow

At first it will be mostly sunny, but in the morning it will gradually become cloudy everywhere. In the course of the afternoon, light snowfall will set in from the Vinschgau Valley, spreading to most of South Tyrol in the evening. Only a few snow flakes fall in the Unterland and Adige Valley.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 3°C
Min. -3°C

Weather development

On Friday, it will clear up with a northerly wind and become quite sunny, with denser clouds in the north. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a few passing clouds. Sunday will see a mix of sunshine and high clouds. Monday will begin with low clouds in some areas, otherwise it will be very sunny.

23.11.2024 24.11.2024 25.11.2024
Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol
Max. 5°C
Min. -10°C
Max. 5°C
Min. -11°C
Max. 6°C
Min. -10°C

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Via Gasser Gregor - 39010 Nalles - South Tyrol - Italy
Fax +39 0471 678 217 -